British Transplant Games Coventry 2023
Posted on 26th July 2023 at 13:22
Team Pratt heads to the British Transplant Games 2023 in Coventry
This week our family "Team Pratt" (Carl, Ali, Charlie, Lizzy and Rosie) will be heading to Coventry for our second British Transplant Games. Once again this is an amazing opportunity for Charlie, and the whole family, and wouldn't be possible without support from the amazing Children's Heart Unit Fund (CHUF). After bringing home medals last year and the Ewan Smith trophy for determination; Charlie is hoping to add to his collection and competing in events including running, jumping, ball throw, obstacle race and cup stacking (he has been practising!).
This year Charlie wanted to try and raise some money for the charities that have helped us on his "heart journey" and so has made a video for You Tube to share on social media. Please check it out and let us know what you think.
You can follow the Games on social media so look out for Charlie and his friends on the Freeman's Children's Team.

Freeman Children's Team 2022

Charlie in Leeds 2022

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